Everyone has a story. Mine begins in a small rural town in southeast Ohio. It was so small we only had one flashing traffic light in the entire town. But we weren’t that obscure as the town was host to the restaurant with the golden arches. For 18 years that was home, until I left for college. Since then I have traveled much of the midwest and east coast and a few other parts of the world. I’ve encountered numerous others who have their own stories. I say all this to recognize the reality that our experiences shape us.

Bertrand Russell acknowledges this in his infamous “Why I am Not a Christian” lecture. Every year I have the students I teach read and discuss his lecture. It’s a fascinating time and often eye-opening for many of them. However, there is usually at least one student who seems sad and frustrated for Russell. It is at this point I know that the student has read Russell correctly. They understand the arguments Russell is making in his lecture can only be made with the backdrop being the very thing he is arguing against…Christianity.

I have recognised, in my own long journey through a wilderness of fear and self-doubt, that there is a better way to manage the challenges of existence than either Islam or unbelief had to offer.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Russell’s lecture has impacted and influenced thousands if not millions over the decades. It has been a pivotal point in many of their stories. One such person is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was compelled to write an essay with the exact opposite title – “Why I am Now a Christian?“. The article is Ayaan’s story. It is a testimony of a former Muslim turned atheist turned Christian. The background, experiences, and insight with which Ali writes are fascinating. Hers is a story you will want to read…and it isn’t about a small town with golden arches!

Until Next Time…