There are many things I just don’t understand. Electricity. Much of the human body and its systems. Who or how do budgets get accomplished for city and county entities? And much much more. Now, it’s not that I couldn’t understand or learn about any of these realities. Quite the opposite is true. I could take the time and brain power to take a deep dive into any or all of these. So why don’t I?

The answer is quite simple. It seems like quite an uphill battle. Electricity is a simple process on the surface, but when I’ve attempted to dig in the complexity becomes overwhelming. The seemingly immense learning curve that must be overcome is discouraging itself. And that is the point. Anytime we want to learn something new or seek to understand a previously unknown subject, the thought of something new can defeat the pursuit itself, regardless of the topic.

There’s no doubt that some parts of the Bible are hard to understand. It reflects the places, histories, cultures and languages of places long ago and far away.

James Emery White

This has been the case when discussing the Bible with those who previously have had little to no engagement with it. Granted, the Bible is a big book (actually a collection of books), from a very different time, and lots of difficult historical and cultural obstacles to overcome in understanding it. But it’s not impossible. James Emery White addresses this very issue in his article “Explaining the Bible to Our Culture“. White shares 3 brief points as a great primer to understanding the Bible.

Whether you have never touched the Bible before or you read it every day, I believe this article will be very helpful. Maybe you can share it with a friend, co-worker, neighbor, or family member. It would be a great conversation starter. What point did you appreciate most? Which one did you find most helpful? As always don’t forget to be with the Lord’s people on the Lord’s day.

Until Next Time…